Year-End Awards Program
The Awards program is very popular with DSDCTA members and is celebrated with a banquet and presentation ceremony at the end of the show season. The competition year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th. Only shows occurring during the competition year will be included for purposes of the Awards Program. You can get details of the awards program and the rules in the current Policies and Procedures.
Although DSDCTA employs best practices to ensure that the scores are recorded correctly and calculations are accurate on the website and elsewhere, DSDCTA assumes no liability to anyone for any errors, omissions or changes.
Memberships and scores are recorded through DSDCTA Regional Chapters, who have their own individual year-end awards program(s) & banquet(s). At the end of each award year, each regional chapter submits their submitted member score(s) to DSDCTA for the DSDCTA Year-End Award Program & Banquet which includes everyone from each chapter. If an individual is a member of multiple chapters, their scores only count once towards DSDCTA year-end, as well as their respective chapter(s).
To view each regional chapter year-end award program requirement(s), see below:

Service Awards
The DSDCTA is a volunteer organization. Volunteerism is an important aspect of the social component of our organization. Many members find it enjoyable and rewarding to spend a few hours volunteering among like-minded equestrian enthusiasts at horse shows and horse trials.